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Anderson Lab

Comparative Functional Morphology, Biomechanics & the Physiology of Movement

University of South Dakota, Department of Biology

Rhampholeon (Rhampholeon) spinosus

© 2007 Christopher V. Anderson

Lab Members

People in the Anderson Lab

Principal Investigator

     Christopher V. Anderson, Ph.D.

       Associate Professor, Department of Biology

       Chair, IUCN/SSC Chameleon Specialist Group

                                                  Ph.D., University of South Florida, 2013

                                                  B.S., Cornell University, 2006

                                                  Email: Christopher.V.Anders@usd.edu

                                                  Office: Churchill-Haines Labs 169A

                                                  Phone: +1-605-658-6705

                                                  Curriculum Vitae

                                                  Google Scholar




                                                  Flickr Album

Graduate Students

     Etti O. Cooper

       Ph.D. Student

                                                  B.S., Bates College, 2022

                                                  Etti is a Ph.D. student who started in the Fall 2022 semester after completing her undergraduate work at Bates

                                                  College working on thermal and metabolic biology of ants. She is currently examining intraspecific and

                                                  interspecific scaling patterns in chameleon metabolic rates, along with working on the lab's NSF CAREER

                                                  award looking at thermal adaptation in chameleon feeding among chameleons living in different thermal


                                                  Email: Etti.Cooper@coyotes.usd.edu

                                                  Office: Churchill-Haines Labs 187

     Michael J. Curran

       Ph.D. Student

                                                  M.S., Adelphi University, 2021

                                                  B.S., Union College, 2019

                                                  Mike is a Ph.D. student who started in the Fall 2021 semester after completing his master's work at Adelphi

                                                  University working in Andrea Ward's lab there. His dissertation research focuses on comparative chameleon

                                                  locomotor performance and kinematics.

                                                  Email: Michael.Curran01@coyotes.usd.edu

                                                  Office: Churchill-Haines Labs 181

     Gene N. Glover

       Ph.D. Student

                                                  B.S., Macalester College, 2023

                                                  Gene is a Ph.D. student who started in the Fall 2023 semester after completing his undergraduate work at  

                                                  Macalester College where he did research in chemistry and through the School for International Training (SIT)

                                                  worked on elevational distribution and ecology variation in Brookesia tuberculata on Montagne d'Ambre in

                                                  Madagascar. His dissertation research will focus on extreme miniaturization in chameleons by examining feeding

                                                  performance in these small chameleons and niche partitioning among chameleons of different species

                                                  Email: Gene.Glover@coyotes.usd.edu

                                                  Office: Churchill-Haines Labs 186

     Madison G. McIntyre

       Ph.D. Student

                                                  B.S., Dickinson College, 2022

                                                  Madi is a Ph.D. student who started in the Fall 2022 semester after completing her undergraduate work at  

                                                  Dickinson College working on rain harvesting behavior in prairie rattlesnakes. She is currently examining

                                                  aporative water loss among chameleons living in different environments, along with working on the lab's NSF

                                                  CAREER award looking at thermal adaptation in chameleon feeding among chameleons living in different

                                                  thermal environments.

                                                  Email: Madison.McIntyre@coyotes.usd.edu

                                                  Office: Churchill-Haines Labs 187

     Nikole G. Schneider

       Ph.D. Student

                                                  B.S., Clemson University, 2020

                                                  Rachel is a Ph.D. student who started in the Fall 2020 semester after completing her undergraduate work at

                                                  Clemson University working in Richard Blob's lab there. Her dissertation research focuses on comparing the  

                                                  kinematics and motor control of chameleons feeding on typical and less mobile prey items. She has also worked

                                                  in the lab on muscle physiology in chameleon tongues.

                                                  Email: Nikole.Schneider@coyotes.usd.edu

                                                  Office: Churchill-Haines Labs 181

     Future Positions

               While I am always interested in recruiting talented graduate students (M.S. & Ph.D.) to work in my lab, I am currently a low priority

               within our department to receive another graduate student position in the near future. I encourage interested individuals to get in touch,

               however, if you might be interested in joining the lab in the future or should another funded position become available.

Undergraduate Students

     Anna Anderson

                                                  Anna is in the accelerated MS student in Biology simultaneously completing her undergraduate degree majoring

                                                  in Conservation Biology major with a minor in Chemistry. After graduating, she plans to work in wetland

                                                  restoration and conservation. She is currently working in the Anderson lab on the ab's NSF CAREER award

                                                  looking at thermal adaptation in chameleon feeding among chameleons living in different thermal environments.

                                                  Email: Anna.C.Anderson@coyotes.usd.edu

     Megan Brady

                                                  Megan is a Biology major with a minor in Interdisciplinary Sciences. She is currently working in the Anderson

                                                  Lab on the lab's NSF CAREER award looking at thermal adaptation in chameleon feeding among chameleons

                                                  living in different thermal environments.

                                                  Email: Megan.Brady@coyotes.usd.edu

     Keileen Boom

                                                  Keileen is a Physiology, Cell and Molecular Biology major with a minor in Interdisciplinary Sciences. After  

                                                  graduating, she hopes to continue on with biology related research. She is currently working in the Anderson

                                                  Lab on the lab's "Scan All TheChameleons" project working with microCT scans of chameleons, specifically

                                                  focusing on the sternum.

                                                  Email: Keileen.Boom@coyotes.usd.edu

     Delaney Dinger

                                                  Delaney is a Biology: Human Dynamics major with a minor in Chemistry. She plans on attending PT school to

                                                  become a physical therapist and is currently working in the Anderson Lab on the lab's NSF CAREER award

                                                  looking at thermal adaptation in chameleon feeding among chameleons living in different thermal environments.

                                                  Email: Delaney.Dinger@coyotes.usd.edu

     Maria Evans

                                                  Maria is a Biology: Human Dynamics major with a minor in Interdisciplinary Sciences. She is currently working  

                                                  in the Anderson Lab on the lab's NSF CAREER award looking at thermal adaptation in chameleon feeding  

                                                  among chameleons living in different thermal environments.

                                                  Email: Maria.Evans@coyotes.usd.edu

     Cydney Even

                                                  Cydney is a Biology major with a concentration in Physiology, Cell and Molecular Biology. She plans on

                                                  attending dental school and is currently working in the Anderson Lab on the lab's "Scan All The Chameleons"

                                                  project working with microCT scans of chameleons, specifically focusing on the pectoral girdle. She previously

                                                  worked in the lab on performance in Anolis lizards.

                                                  Email: Cydney.Even@coyotes.usd.edu

     Jasmin Geike

                                                  Jasmin is a Medical Biology major with a minor in Interdisciplinary Sciences. She plans on attending

                                                  medical school and is currently working in the Anderson Lab on the lab's "Scan All The Chameleons" project

                                                  working with microCT scans of chameleons, specifically focusing on the scleral ossicles.

                                                  Email: Jasmin.Geike@coyotes.usd.edu

     Lincoln Small

                                                  Lincoln is a Medical Biology major at USD. Ge plans on attending medical school and is currently working in

                                                  the Anderson Lab on chameleon locomotion.

                                                  Email: Lincoln.Small@coyotes.usd.edu


     Positions Available!

               I am currently seeking a number of undergraduate students to work on various projects in my lab.

               Please visit our Join the Lab page and contact me if interested!

Anderson Lab Alumni

Graduate Students

     Rachel Drown, M.S. Student; Rachel was a M.S. student who graduated in 2020. She was interested in the behavioral ecology of chameleons (family Chamaeleonidae) and examined the functional basis for variation in antipredatory behavior decisions in Chamaeleo calyptratus through ontogeny and in different environment types. She is currently working at Zoo Knoxville.

Visiting Graduate Students

     Martin Etave, M2 Internship (M.S. Student from Sorbonne Université); Martin is a Master's student from Sorbonne Université in France. As part of his program, he is visiting the Anderson Lab for a 6-month internship (02/22-08/22), during which time he will be using our chameleon µCT scan dataset to expand a morphological character matrix and evaluate its capacity to accurately assign taxonomic positions.

     Samuel Tegge, Visiting M.S. Student (from Western Kentucky University); Samuel was a Master's student from Western Kentucky University who visited the Anderson Lab twice (05/17-01/18) to collect data on hyoid muscles associated with biotremor production in chameleons as part of a KY NSF EPSCoR grant.

Undergraduate Students

     Alex Bergeson, Honor's Thesis; Alex was a Medical Biology major with minors in Chemistry and Psychology who graduated in 2022. He worked in the Anderson Lab on the connection between muscle physiology and sprint performance in Anolis lizards. After graduating, Alex went on to attend medical school at USD.

     Lucas Crownover; Lucas was a Medical Biology major who graduated in 2020. He worked in the Anderson Lab on the comparative functional and evolutionary morphology of the chameleon axial skeleton using microCT scans from the lab's "Scan All The Chameleons" project. After graduating he went on to attend nursing school.

     Levi Foss; Levi worked in the Anderson Lab until 2017 on the connection between muscle physiology and whole organism performance in Anolis lizards. He went on to pursue his BS at SDSU.

     Gunnar Gunderson; Gunner worked in the Anderson Lab until 2023 on the environmental effects of temperature on feeding performance in chameleons. He went on to pursue his BS at SDSU.

     Mackenzie Gustafson; Mackenzie was a Medical Biology and Chemistry major who graduated in 2019. She worked in the Anderson Lab on the connection jump performance in Anolis lizards. She is currently applying to medical school.

     Marisa Helm; Marisa was a Medical Biology major with minors in Chemistry and Public Health who graduated in 2018. She worked in the Anderson Lab on the connection between muscle physiology and whole organism performance in Anolis lizards. After graduating she went on to persue a MS student in Basic Biomedical Sciences at USD.

     Nicholas Henchal; Nick was a Biology major with a concentration in Physiology, Cell and Molecular Biology who graduated in 2022. He worked in the Anderson Lab on muscle contractile physiology in Anolis lizards and chameleon tongues, focusing mostly on supercontracting muscle in chameleons.

     Dakota John, Honor's Thesis; Ellie was a Medical Biology major at USD who graduated in 2023. She worked in the Anderson Lab on the lab's "Scan All The Chameleons" project working with microCT scans of chameleons, specifically focusing on the pelvic girdle.

     Nicholas Kramer; Nick was a Medical Biology Major who graduated in 2020. He worked in the Anderson Lab on the connection between muscle physiology and whole organism performance in Anolis lizards. After graduating he went on to attend medical school at USD.

     Alexa Kruse, Honor's Thesis; Alexa was a Biology and Sustainability major who graduated in 2018. She worked in the Anderson Lab on her honor's thesis, studying retinal topography through the lifestages of the Plains Spadefoot Toad, Spea bombifrons. After graduating she went on to work in New Zealand.

     Mary Lane; Mary was a dual Mathematics and Biology major with a concentration in Conservation and Biodiversity. She worked in the Anderson Lab on the lab's "Scan All The Chameleons" project working with microCT scans of chameleons.

     Parker Piorkowski; Parker was a Medical Biology Major with a minor in Psychology who graduated in 2021. He worked in the Anderson Lab on the connection between muscle physiology and whole organism performance in Anolis lizards. After graduating he went on to attend medical school at USD.

     Patrick Reiter, Honor's Thesis; Patrick was a Medical Biology major with minors in Chemistry and Psychology who graduated in 2019. He worked in the Anderson Lab on his honor's thesis, studying differences in the morphology, muscle contractile physiology, and whole organism performance in Anolis roquet from Martinique. He is currently applying for medical shool.

     Ellie Schley, Honor's Thesis; Ellie was a Medical Biology major at USD who graduated in 2023. She worked in the Anderson Lab on the lab's "Scan All The Chameleons" project working with microCT scans of chameleons, specifically focusing on the forelimb and wrist variation. After graduating she went on to attend medical school at the University of Iowa.

     Alexis Slack, Honor's Thesis; Alexis was a dual Medical Biology and Neuroscience major at USD who graduated in 2023. She worked in the Anderson Lab with micro-CT scans, specifically focusing on making 3D skull puzzles from them for education purposes. After graduating she went on to graduate school for a Ph.D. at the University of Florida.

     Hannah Tysdal; Hannah was a Medical Biology major at USD who graduated in 2022. She worked in the Anderson Lab on the lab's "Scan All The Chameleons" project working with microCT scans of chameleons, specifically focusing on the scleral ossicles.

     Anna Van Holland; Anna was a Medical Biology Major who worked in the lab in 2021. She worked in the Anderson Lab on the connection between muscle physiology and whole organism performance in Anolis lizards. She went on to persue a degree in English.

     Brady Woldt; Brady was a Medical Biology Major with minors in Psychology and Chemistry who graduated in 2021. He worked in the Anderson Lab on the connection between muscle physiology and whole organism performance in Anolis lizards. He is currently applying for dental school.